

Collector's Guild

Welcome to the Complete Flock of "Electric Sheep" - Season One. This document provides a comprehensive insight into the rarity and rankings of each member of our unique flock. The set consists of 63 distinctive sheep and a singular sheepdog. Each animal boasts a unique combination of six distinguished attributes: Ribbon Color, Breed, Algorithm, Hoof Mods, Manufacturer, and Behavioral Disposition. These attributes play a crucial role in determining the rarity and subsequent ranking of each sheep. A sheep with a ranking of "1" stands as the rarest in the collection, while one ranked "63" denotes a more common presence within the Electric Sheep DreamVerse. As collectors and enthusiasts, this guide serves as your key to understanding the nuances and intricacies of each member. Dive in, and may you find the rarest sheep that resonates with your collection!

16 Breeds

16 Breeds



Hoof mods

Hoof mods



behavioral disposition

behavioral disposition

Show Award Ribbon Colors

Show Award Ribbon Colors

Head ribbon Color designation

Head ribbon Color designation


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